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CSS Optimization Techniques for Fast Web Performance
Jan 22, 20245 min read

CSS Optimization Techniques for Fast Web Performance

CSS is vital for web design, but complex projects demand efficient CSS to prevent slower load times and poorer user experiences.

JavaScript Optimization Techniques for Fast Web Performance
Jan 19, 20246 min read

JavaScript Optimization Techniques for Fast Web Performance

In the dynamic world of web development, performance is not merely an attribute — it’s the cornerstone of user satisfaction.

Latest Posts.

Understanding .bind(), .call(), and .apply() Methods
Feb 12, 20243 min read

Understanding .bind(), .call(), and .apply() Methods

JavaScript provides three powerful methods: .bind(), .call(), and .apply() to manipulate the context of functions and pass arguments.

Javascript Coding Standard — Clean Code
Jul 19, 20193 min read

Javascript Coding Standard — Clean Code

Keep your code readable, changeable, extensible, and maintainable. The code is clean if it can be understood easily by everyone.

Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await
Jan 25, 20245 min read

Asynchronous JavaScript: Callbacks, Promises, and Async/Await

Asynchronous JavaScript performs tasks without blocking the execution thread, improving web application performance and user experience.

Javascript Local Storage Vs Session Storage Vs Cookies
Aug 25, 20205 min read

Javascript Local Storage Vs Session Storage Vs Cookies

Exploring JavaScript's Local Storage, Session Storage, and Cookies reveal their distinct purposes. Understanding their differences aids in choosing the optimal storage option for specific use cases.

Useful Higher-Order Functions in Javascript
Aug 24, 20205 min read

Useful Higher-Order Functions in Javascript

What makes Javascript suitable for functional programming is that it accepts Higher-Order Functions. Higher-Order Functions are extensively used in Javascript.

Understanding the Object-Oriented Programming
Oct 25, 20206 min read

Understanding the Object-Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming is a design philosophy where everything is grouped as self-sustainable “objects”. Hence you gain reusability utilizing OOP concepts.

6 Common Javascript Mistakes
Aug 19, 20204 min read

6 Common Javascript Mistakes

Getting started with JavaScript basics is easy, but exploring deeper reveals subtle complexities often overlooked. So, Knowing common mistakes helps refine your code.

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